Thursday, 21 March 2013


Ok, I know it has been an age since I posted on here but to be honest it is an age since I got anywhere with the organ.  The last you heard was that I had four manuals, the pedalboard, a computer, a couple of monitors and speakers all rigged up.

Gradually I started tinkering... Fatal.  Cutting a long story short (too late) I gradually ended up with only one manual working and I had become less happy with the plastic keys so didn't really want to fiddle to get them running smoothly.  I did have four manuals that were wood core so got in touch with Midi Gadget Boutique and ordered the Hwce x2 bundle that would midi all of the wooden manuals together and be all singing and dancing.  However, after hours and hours of cleaning and then soldering I drew a complete blank after reading and re-reading the wiring diagrams.  I got in touch with Jordan there who gave me more information that I still didn't really understand.  Eventually, after six months of scratching my head, trying, failing, leaving it for a month and going round again, at last the penny dropped this evening.  I now know exactly what the problem was... ME!  The instructions were crystal clear yet I subconsciously was making them far, far more complicated for myself.  This morning I sat down with the most recent email and broke the info down, read it very closely and plugged it in... IT WORKS!  Hurrah!  I feel very pleased with myself but annoyed too that it took me so, so long to work out.  And there's me that is supposed to be clever.

Now there's just the first manual up and running, I'll be spending the next however long wiring up the rest now I know alll of that effort won't be wasted.